Thursday 30 June 2011

WMSCCC06 - Christmas bow ....

..... I've finally completed my June card for the Waltzingmouse Christmas Card Challenge.  Talk about getting close to the deadline!!  The challenge for WMSCCC06 -June was to include an elaborate bow.  Well, for me including a bow of any description is a bit of a challenge!!  However, I think I've done a reasonable job :)

I stamped snowflakes randomly over the base card in varying shades of red and pink.  I stamped the large vintage ornament with Versamark and then heat embossed it with clear powder.  Next I added ink over the whole image so that the resulting ornament is white and red.  I stamped the sentiment in the centre of the bauble and embossed with detail gold - it shows up much better in real life!!  I attached some ribbon to the base of the card and hung the bauble from that!  My "elaborate" bow is made up of red and white organza ribbons layered over each other and tied.  Took me ages to get it looking like this!!    But I'm really pleased with the result.

Stamps:  Waltzingmouse - Compliments of the Season, Join Us, Very Vintage Christmas, Vintage Ornaments
Inks:  Versamark; Distress - Barn Door, Worn Lipstick, Spun Sugar
Spellbinders:  2010 Heirloom Ornaments (S4-283) die # 5
Accessories:  Card, ribbons and embossing powder from stash

So that's my cards for January - June completed.  Lynn will give us details of the July challenge on 10th July - and this time I intend to do them each month!  It's far too much of a rush to leave them to the last minute :)   If you've not yet joined in the fun - you can find the details here - you do need to join the Forum which is dead easy and lots of fun!

Now before I go - a quick update on the knee.  It is very much improved, but the MRI does show a torn cartilage, so I'm having surgery on it in early August.  In the meantime, I'm being very careful not to put too much stress on the knee or rotate it too quickly!  Also, I've noticed that some new followers - so Hello to Pamela and Eileen!

Right that's all for now - I've put off the ironing for as long as I can but I really need to get some done now.  See you all later - hopefully with another card to share.


jimlynn said...

GORGEOUS!!! Love all the red and the bow is awesome.

Lynn Mercurio said...

As I mentioned on your card in the WMS gallery - I think you did an outstanding job on your bow. It looks absolutely divine atop this great ornament.

Mona Pendleton said...

Gorgeous card Deb! Love the WM Vintage ornament! Thanks for joining along with the WMSCCC!

GinaA said...

This is a truly georgeous card, not only is the stamping detail just perfect but it must have taken ages to get the white bow to sit on top of the red, especially the two tails.

Stamps and Paper said...

A simply stunning Christmas Card Deborah.


Donna Mosley said...

Stunning card Deborah, love the gorgeous bow.

Donna x

Vicky Hayes said...

I think you've done a great job on that bow Deborah! Take care with that knee - August isn't too long to wait for surgery.

Paula (PEP) said...

Really super layered bow - I too take absolutely ages over bows. Love the embossing on the bauble, especially that radiating outwards pattern of the centre.
All the best in the challenge - & for the knee op.
Paula (PEP)

Jackie said...

What a beautiful card, so pretty :o)
Jackie xx

Lana said...

Wonderful! I love it all! )))

G Peplow said...

That's a brilliant fancy bow! Love it Deborah, gorgeous colours here and the Waltzingmouse bauble's fabulous, Gay xxx

Sue said...

Well done Deborah a beautifull card and in time for the challenge the bow is fantastic Luv Sue x

Stella said...

A reasonable job? Deborah i think you did a fabulous job. You created a gorgeous background paper with the snowflakes and stars; so beautiful. And that ornament; it took my breath away!
Love it!

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