Thursday 29 September 2011

Tired ...

... and it's all my fault!  I really shouldn't allow my ironing baskets to build up to the point where I spend hours - literally - at the ironing board.  Especially on one of the hottest days of the year - we had 26°C here in North Wales - and it's almost the end of September.  No wonder the poor plants are confused!  I did get a lot of the ironing done - but I think it's going to be another couple of hours tomorrow before I finish!  Note to self - do the ironing as soon as the washing has dried! 

And I've been having a few problems trying to comment on various Blogs.  Sometimes I don't have a problem, and then there's the time I've typed a comment, hit publish and it disappears into the ether!  I'll try to get back to the cards I've missed.

That's all for now - see you tomorrow!


Paula (PEP) said...

Hope you sleep OK - everything gets ironed whilst still damp as no tumbler & there's a tidying up fairy in this house that tidies up even something I've put in the kitchen to use later on; woe betide if I leave my cardigan on a chair & go back expecting to find it where I've left it a few hours later.
Paula (PEP)

Tara Cardwell said...

I do that all the time, but in the long run have realised that it doesn't matter if you do an hour a day or a marathon session once a month - its still the same time spent ironing. Sometimes if the pile is big enough and the clothes straight enough, the weight flattens the bottom stuff enough to not need ironing too ;-)

Jenny said...

Oh where are the ironing fairies when you need them???
I too, did two hours of ironing on the hottest September day so far! I never feel like ironing a bit every day but it would be so much easier :)
I've not had trouble commenting but I've heard other people say the same thing...Mr blogger have his fun with us again :(
Jenny x

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