Friday 21 October 2011

Decorating finished ....

... I simply didn't get time to make any cards yesterday, so nothing to share with you today.  However, I did go through the cards in my stash and realise that I do need to have a sale soon - I can't take them all to the States - so I'm going to have a stall at the School Fair in November.

One thing I did do last night was count up the Christmas cards I've made - and I think I said earlier that I'd done over 70 and was well on my way to the 150 I need.  I checked my Christmas list and realised that I don't need as many as I thought - only 103!!  But I've actually made less cards than I first thought - only 58.  So I think I'll be making Christmas cards for various challenges in the next few weeks.

I'm delighted to say that my decorators have finished.  There are still two rooms that need to be done - the office and my craft room, but both these rooms have so much in them that we've agreed to paint them once the house has been packed up.  In the meantime, the rest of the place looks fabulous.  And we'll soon be rid of the paint smell!! 

All that I've got to do now is finish off putting everything back together.  Ben and Kathryn will be helping me go through all their books and toys, as we still have some serious decluttering to do in their rooms.  I think spring, sorry, I mean autumn cleaning is good for a general sense of well being!!   It's a good thing it's half-term next week - we have plenty of time to finish the sorting and hopefully get in some day trips too!

That's all for now - hopefully, I'll have a card to share with you tomorrow.


Pauline said...

I bet your house is looking fresh and lovely, I love the smell of fresh paint too! Nothing like a good old clear out, in preparation for christmas lol! Have a great weekend!

Jenny said...

Not envious at all of your freshly painted house....hehe.
You're steaming ahead with those Christmas cards, well done :)
Jenny x

Vicky Hayes said...

Brilliant Deborah! I bet you feel terrific to have everything sorted out and freshly painted.

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