Monday 13 December 2010

Award ...

... what a lovely surprise!!!  I checked in to read comments left for me and discovered that Norma of  Pink Bling Crafter has given me the "Stylish Blogger Award".  My thanks to Norma for thinking of me; I'm so excited!!!  Now part of accepting the award is to pass it along and follow a few simple procedures:
  1. Thank and link back to the person giving the award.
  2. Share 8 things about myself!
  3. Forward the award to 8 crafters recently discovered.
  4. Contact the 8 people involved and tell them about the award.
Now onto the second requirments.  I have to tell you 8 things about myself.  Where to start?  Where to stop?  Okay, I've got some:
  1. My husband will tell you that I can talk for England (or Wales in our case!)
  2. I love the Pern stories by Anne MaCaffrey (now by her son, Todd) - and I would dearly love to have a Gold Dragon of my own!!
  3. I love to go out at night and look at the stars - I'm even trying to learn more about the stars and planets.
  4. I love white jewellery - silver, white gold, platinum - oh yes, I love white gems - diamonds!!!!
  5. I've been a Star Trek fan for years and years!!  Love it.
  6. I love lists!
  7. I'm hopeless at remembering the names of songs and/or bands - and it drives my husband to distraction - as he loves music.
  8. I consider chocolate to be one of the main food groups :)))
Selecting 8 crafters that I've recently discovered has proved to be much harder than I thought.  I really enjoy reading blogs and viewing cards/scrapbook pages from so many people.  However, I've narrowed it down to the following:
  1. Susan's Day Off Creations - I've only recently found Susan's site, it's a good place to visit, especially if you like cats!
  2. Scrapnextras - Again, only recently found Laura's site - but she's inspirational.
  3. PEP Exploring Paper - I met Paula recently when we both took courses run by Glenda Waterworth at MCC.  I like Paula's style.
  4. Lime Doodle - I like Debby's clean and simple style - she has a great sense of fun in her cards.
  5. Little Princess Cards - Sarita's blog has been around for a while, but I only found it recently -  I've been missing out!
  6. I am the Sporadic Stamper - Kate makes fabulous projects with my favourite stamps - Waltzingmouse Stamps.
  7. Made by Joanne - again a site that's been around for a while, but Joanne's new to me and her blog is full of lovely artsy projects and ideas.
  8. Crafty Musings - another fun place to visit - and a woman after my heart "Mustavcoffee"!
If you've not seen any of these blogs - do pay a visit - they are all very talented and inspirational ladies.

Finally, thanks again to Norma for thinking about me!!  Can't stop smiling!


Donna Mosley said...

Hi Deborah, well done on your award. Enjoyed reading the facts about you, I love chocolate and making lists too, it drives my lot mad.

Donna x

Laura (scrapnextras) said...

Deborah, thanks for the award! I'm glad you discovered my blog and hope you are able to drop in from time to time! So nice to get to know you...I'm a Trekkie too, born of the original series!! Long live Captain Kirk!

Debby said...

Yey, thanks for the shout out Deborah! And from a UK crafter to boot.

G Peplow said...

Hi Deborah, WOW you are a gem, Thank you so much for thinking of me, what an honour, I love visiting you too. Very interesting info about you and I'm with you on many of your interesting things list, especially the diamonds and chocolate:0) xx

joanne wardle said...

thanks so much I really appreciate it!

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