Friday 9 December 2011

Printer died ....

.... I tried to print out some digi images yesterday.  But my printer has died!!  It was rather ill before I went to the US, but I was sort of hoping that it would last until next year.  Sadly it turned up its toes yesterday.  Still all is not lost, as I've nicked, sorry that should read, "borrowed" Jonathan's printer.  Well, he's away and doesn't really need it.  I've managed to link everything up and printed off my images - only there's no magenta ink in the cartridge!  Darn.  I'll have to go shopping in the morning for some new cartridges.

On the plus side - I've finished all my ironing and am feeling really pleased.  The weather today is so much better than yesterday - bright blue skies, sunshine and cold winds!  At least it's sunny.  Must stop rambling now; Kathryn will be in shortly and she's got to get ready for a party tonight.

See you soon.


Pauline said...

Oh dear, always the way! Look out for your post the next couple of days, I've popped you a little card! Xx

Vicky Hayes said...

I'm sure Jonathan would be pleased his printer had come to your rescue! Have a good weekend. Vx

Buffy said...

I know how you feel, our home computer passed away last week.

Glad you are home safely, hugs to you both
Buf xx

Paula (PEP) said...

Maybe Santa will bring a new printer. We had better weather today too but sudden sheets of sleet/ice/rain dropping out of the sky & freezing temps. Wrap up when you go shopping.
Paula (PEP)

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